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contoh kalimat berbahasa perancis

"berbahasa perancis" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Because they sing psalms in French we in Latin?
    Karena doa mereka berbahasa Perancis kita Latin?
  • Well, it's a good thing I'm fluent in French.
    Baiklah, ini hal bagus Aku fasih berbahasa Perancis.
  • Find someone here who speaks French, please.
    Tolong, cari seseorang yang bisa berbahasa Perancis.
  • She's fluent in French, Italian, Russian, Latin
    dia fasih berbahasa Perancis, Italia, Rusia, Latin
  • Trent went away to some French-speaking prep school down south.
    Trent pergi ke beberapa Berbahasa Perancis persiapan sekolah Di selatan.
  • Did I mention she's French?
    Apa sudah kubilang kalau ia berbahasa Perancis?
  • Our parents don't speak French.
    Orangtua kami tidak bisa berbahasa Perancis.
  • She speaks fluent French and has agreed to interpret for you.
    Dia terampil berbahasa Perancis dan dia setuju untuk mengartikannya untukmu.
  • There's a poster in Alison's room, some French thing with twins.
    Ada poster di kamar Alison, benda Berbahasa Perancis dengan kembar.
  • So ? -She doesn't speak French.
    Dia tidak bisa berbahasa Perancis.
  • Sorry, I don't parlez vous French.
    Maaf, aku tak berbahasa Perancis.
  • That's in French, for christ sakes.
    Peringatan itu berbahasa Perancis.
  • She Speaks a little french?
    Apakah dia bisa berbahasa Perancis?
  • In fact, here, speaking French
    Kenyataannya disini, berbahasa Perancis
  • Consult unread newest The French reference site
    Lihat pesan terbaru yang belum dibaca Situs referensi berbahasa Perancis
  • I can speak French.
    Aku bisa berbahasa Perancis.
  • However, in this task he was hindered by the fact that he didn't speak Dutch.
    Namun, ia menolaknya lantaran ia tidak bisa berbahasa Perancis.
  • Mr. President had a thing for French speaking fellahs little Speedos and big spears.
    Pak Presiden menyukai orang-orang berbahasa Perancis agak lambat dan berkemaluan besar.
  • M. Cassetti, he could not speak French, which is why M. Macqueen worked for him.
    M. Cassetti tak bisa berbahasa Perancis, karena itulah M. Macqueen bekerja padanya.
  • She's fluent in French, Italian, Latin and fully versed in horsemanship and dancing and
    Dia lancar berbahasa Perancis, Italia dan Latin. dan ahli dalam menunggang kuda, menari dan
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